Content Marketing Agency - Creation and Production

Two Palms Media is a content production agency in Sydney that proudly works closely with some of Australia’s biggest and most creative brands. From Amazon to Tourism Australia, GoPro to Spotify, Two Palms are the go-to content agency for companies that need a boutique firm in their court for creative direction and social marketing campaigns.

We know how content creation in Sydney and around Australia works. We understand what type of content performs well, which styles convert best and most importantly how to get your message across in a fun, engaging and meaningful way. That’s because our Sydney content agency literally lives and breathes it.

Producing content isn’t just something our entire team are passionate about – we live and breath it! With decades of combined experience flowing through the spaces of the Two Palms office, we’re ready to take on any project, no matter how big or small.

You have probably already seen our work on social media and TV. We’re the brains behind the content strategy for Tourism Australia’s global sensations PhilAUSophy and Instagram Itinerary campaigns, and the content creation marketing agency trusted by GoPro for every camera launch event they’ve held in recent years.

It’s safe to say that we know what it takes to strategise, plan, execute and deliver world-class, engaging, award-winning content.

Our skills aren’t limited to only create content for clients seeking an international audience though. Keeping it local we’ve been the go-to Sydney content production agency for activations and product launches with the likes of Amazon Prime, Heineken and Vive Active.

All of this is only possible thanks to the fantastic content marketing agency team we’ve carefully put together behind the scenes. Our Two Palms family are the most sought-after professionals in Australia for video production, content marketing services, social media content, graphic design, brand strategies, motion graphics and photography assets.

If you need compelling visuals to bring your business to life across all forms of digital media and technology, we’re here for all your content marketing needs.

Content Marketing Agency - Creation and ProductionServices

Creative Strategy and Production

Creative Strategy and Production

Elevate your storytelling with Two Palm Media’s creative strategy and production services. From briefing to design to creation, our team loves nothing more than taking an idea and turning it into something powerful. Don’t leave the execution of your marketing campaign to chance – our content creation agency is ready to deliver exceptional results. 

Video Editing and Still Photography

Videobearbeitung und Standfotografie

Doch Content-Produktion ist nur die halbe Arbeit. Doch der letzte Schliff und die eigentliche Magie erzeugen unsere Filmeditoren. Unsere preisgekrönten Videoproduzenten wissen, wie man visuelle Eindrücke in Szene setzt. Als Full-Service-Agentur müssen Sie sich nie wieder Gedanken über lästiges Sounddesign oder Farbabstufung machen. Um die gesamte Palette der Medien abzudecken, sind wir auch ziemlich gut in der Produktion von Standbild-Fotografie.

Animation Illustration Design Agency

Animation, Illustration und Design

Wir können die Essenz Ihrer Marke zum Leben erwecken und ihren Purpose auf eine Weise illustrieren, die garantiert für Aufsehen sorgt. Bei unseren Animations-, Illustrations- und Designdienstleistungen trifft Präzision auf Launenhaftigkeit und verwandelt Ideen in visuelle Werte, die mehr als nur das Auge erfreuen. Überlassen Sie die visuelle Gestaltung Ihrer Marke uns, um Ihrer Marke die kreative Seite zu geben, die sie verdient.  

Event Photography Content

Event Content

At Two Palms Media we capture compelling event content that showcases the essence and energy of your big activation. Utilising a mix of vivid visuals, engaging narratives, and sharp, clear messaging, we ensure your event resonates with its audience, creating a memorable experience. From pre-event hype to post-event engagement, we cover the entire content spectrum to maximise your event’s impact.

Podcast Production


Audio ist das neue Video. Deshalb haben wir uns auf die Produktion von Podcasts spezialisiert und setzen Ihre Ideen in ansprechende Audio Erlebnisse um. Unser in Sydney ansässiges Team kümmert sich um alle Aspekte – von der Konzeption über die Aufnahme und Bearbeitung bis hin zur Verbreitung – und sorgt dafür, dass Ihr Podcast bei Ihrer Zielgruppe Schallwellen erzeugt. Wir helfen Ihnen bei der Erstellung von Podcasts, die nicht nur Ihre Geschichte erzählen, sondern auch eine treue Hörerbasis aufbauen.

Somehighlightswe've worked on

Orange Centre Underline Two Palms Content Agency



Club Med Logo

Club Med

Club Med X The Iconic

White Claw Logo

White Claw X Barney Cools

White Claw X Barney Cools

You're in Good company

Orange Centre Underline Two Palms Content Agency
GoPro Australia Agency
Amazon Prime Australia Agency
Tourism Australia Marketing Agency
White Claw Content Agency
Kellogs Australia Social Media Agency
Club Med Australia PR Agency
Dr Martins Media Agency
Pringles Australia Marketing Agency

We're aCreative & Content Productioncompany doing things differently

We're a SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING company doing things differently

When we grew tired of searching for a social media marketing agency that knew how to get things done properly, we took the best talent and strategies in the industry and started our own. The results speak for themselves, and we’re proud of the incredible work we have accomplished over the years.

Check out some of our successful social media marketing campaigns with a few of our much-loved clients above, then get in touch to discover how we can work with you to get similar results. Sie uns gerne!
